Sunday, September 21, 2008

Education Hour - 9/21/08

Attendees: Daniel, Karl, Scott, Robert, David, Genevieve, Miriam, Amy
Parents/Leaders: Deb, Michael, Cindy, Albert, Denise, Sherman

  1. Highs and Lows
  2. Other icebreakers
  3. Planning for the year (with parents)
  4. Planning for the Gathering (with parents)
  1. Activities other than Sunday mornings: see here
  2. Gathering updates: see here

1 comment:

  1. Albert Webster here, Karl's Dad. I'm reporting back that we should be set for the social evening on October 5. Karl has reserved the house of Katrina Stierholz and Mark Banaszak. They are Karl's aunt and uncle. You probably see Kat teaching the little kids on Sundays, and Karl's cousins Theo and Emil are usually around as well.

    Sunset on Oct. 5 is officially 6:37pm. So we could gather at 5:30pm and have time to gather/eat before starting the movie.

    We will provide food and drink. Should we order pizza and call it dinner, or just do snacks?

    Please work with Karl and decide what movie you would like to watch. And closer to the date we will send him with directions to the house. It is about 10 minutes from church, over on McPherson east of Skinker.

    - Albert
