Monday, September 15, 2008

Education Hour - 9/14/08

Attendees: Karl, David, Amy, Miriam, Maya, Scott, Carson, Deb, Sherman

  1. Explanation of a regular Sunday morning hour includes sharing of highs and lows (one each per person), then any business items (usually short), and then the bulk of the hour is devoted to spiritual growth.
  2. This particular Sunday is mostly business, especially the National Youth Gathering next July in New Orleans, "Jesus, Justice, Jazz"
  3. The Gathering is a great opportunity to share spiritual growth with thousands of teenagers, participate in service events, make new friends, have fun, etc.
  4. Registration for the Gathering opens on 9/15. Bethel plans to register soon after the 9/21 meeting with the parents.
  5. One major decision point: bus or plane, with pros or cons for both options. Those in attendance voted for joining the buses chartered with other St. Louis area churches.
  6. Sherman has committed to register the Bethel participants. One adult (21 or over) is required for each five participants. For the first time, the Gathering is permitting youth who are headed into 9th grade.
  7. Here's the disposition of the seven youth who attended the meeting:
  • Yes -- Miriam, Amy, David, Scott
  • Probable -- Karl, Carson
  • Considering -- Maya
  • No -- none
  • Need to check with -- Genevieve, Hayley, Lily, Robert, Daniel, John, KatieP, KatieM, others?
Next steps:
  1. Deb to communicate with St. Louis area churches and provide estimate of our participants
  2. Sherman to research details required for registration
  3. Deb to contact and remind parents about next week's meeting. The first 30 minutes will be with the youth; the second 30 minutes will be a special meeting with the parents of youth about the coming year, major events planned, volunteer opportunities, details about the Gathering.


  1. On item No. 6, under the notes: What does it mean that one adult (21 and/over) is required for each participant? Does that mean one adult must go on the trip for each participant that goes on the trip?

  2. Good catch, Michael. I just corrected the count from one adult per participant to one adult per five participants.
