Sunday, September 27, 2009

God's Words of Peace

Today we ate hamburgers (thanks for grilling, Michael!) and chips and grapes, and agreed that beginning next month we will return to our 9:30-10:30 meeting time.
Amy, Miriam, Robert, Sherman and Deb discussed plans for future BYG Sundays and First Sundays.
We read Bible verses about peace, and prayed for peace in our lives, peace in the lives of others we know, and peace in the world.
May you experience peace in your life this week as only Christ can bring.

October Events:
Sun, Oct. 4: First Sunday
Movie Day...more info to come

Sun, Oct. 11:
9:30 in Bethel library
Peace Building Begins in Our Hearts
October service event: Halloween for Hunger/Free the Children

Sun, Oct 18:
9:30 in undercroft with Adult Forum
Pastor Bill tells his faith story.

Operation Cooperation with ENTeam
2:00 at Principia High School
13201 Clayton Road
We will meet with high school students who are Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Scientist to play games and build a more peaceful world. Brenda Light, Maya's mom, is one of the facilitators. This is the first of four meetings this school year.

Sun, Oct. 25:
9:30 in the undercroft with Bethel's adult forum
Pastor Rebecca tells her faith story.

Monday, September 21, 2009

BYG Week 2: Making Peace

We gathered for pizza and prayers of whirled peace. will take you to the website with the pattern and directions for making pinwheels that we decorated and wrote on with our prayers for peace in the world.
We talked about St. Francis of Assissi's message of peace in relationship and action that we experience in Christ.
We also discussed the invitation to join with believers around the world to pray together for peace at noon on Monday...but if you missed it, your prayers still count! Check out the website:

Next week: Bethel would like to hire some of you as workers in the nursery during the 11:00 service. If you are interested, there will be interviews at 10:00 in the nursery space downstairs. You would be working two at a time, making $20 each for about 90 minutes on duty. I know we have lots of experienced babysitters in BYG, so I hope you will be willing to offer your gifts to the congregation in this way (and get paid for it, too!)

Many blessings this week! I would appreciate it if you would subscribe to this blog to get weekly updates on BYG.

Upcoming decisions: what to do with our meeting time. Those of us who were there this week are leaning towards returning to the 9:30 a.m. Sunday time. We also need to plan for our First Sunday Fun and choose a mission emphasis for October.

May the peace of Christ rule in our hearts and in our world.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Time to Get Going: Be the Change

It is time to resume our school-year schedule for BYG (Bethel Youth Group) and our mission of letting Jesus shine in our lives and our world.
We are trying a new schedule for the month of September:
Sundays from 12:30-2:00 in the undercroft.
We will start with a light lunch and roll from there. This week includes viewing highlights from the Gathering and discussion of goals and hopes for the year. Next week we will do a more detailed survey and schedule for the year.
Peace be with you! I hope we will see you in BYG!