Friday, December 26, 2008

Spreading Light

Thank you to everyone who participated in sharing the light of Christ through donations to our sponsored family this Christmas. We delivered gifts for all the children from their wish lists, coats and shoe gift certificates for every family member, a set of towels and a full set of dishes. In addition, we gave nearly $1000 in gift cards for gas stations, grocery stores, and department stores.
On Christmas Eve Pastor Yancey reminded us that the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. By giving, we experience that light in our lives as the presence of Christ among us. Thanks to all who contributed to this project.
Peace and light to all,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Season of Sharing Invitation

Open your heart to receive the coming Child by opening your heart to receive the family we are sponsoring for Christmas through Lutheran Family and Children's Services.

Sonya and Lawrence are fostering their five grandchildren, ages 12-3. They have a fixed income on which they try to meet the children's needs. They would like to make this Christmas special for their grandchildren, and they are appreciative of any gifts that they may receive.

You can pick up cards at church with gift suggestions for specific family members, or the family welcomes gift cards from any of the following: Mobile gas, Shop and Save, Wal-Mart.

Drop off gifts or gift cards in the box at the back of church by Dec. 21.
E-mail Deb Bohlmann with any questions or offers to participate:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Call for Youth Help (at December Center Celebration)

Calling all Youth! We need your help for Center Celebration on this coming Sunday, December 7 at 9:30am. I promise, this is super-easy. All we need is different youth willing to read short bible passages. A couple of verses, that's all. Please call Kristina Stierholz or Albert Webster if you can help out: home telephone is 314 - 863 - 5430.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sky Zone Outing -- 11/2

(I'll catch up with the other posts for October later -- in the meantime -- here's a timely announcement).

The November fellowship outing will be this Sunday evening at Sky Zone in Chesterfield. Michael Kunz is chaperoning this event.

We will gather at Sky Zone at 6:15. For those interested in car pooling or getting a ride, the plan is to leave at Bethel at 5:45. Please contact Michael directly if you're interested in car pooling.

Here are some important details about this outing -- please read carefully!!!!!
  1. Cost: $10 per hour, plus $2 shoe fee
  2. Waiver: All youth MUST HAVE their parents sign the waiver form. The waiver form for our Sky Zone is available here: Link to waiver form

For more information about Sky Zone:
Home Page
Before You Jump

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bethel is Registered for the 2009 Youth Gathering!

It may not sound like much of a milestone, but I'm certainly happy that the paperwork is done... almost. We still need to send out checks for our deposits.

Here are the youths who will be attending:
Scott F
Genevieve S
David O
Amy L
Miriam B
Daniel G
Karl W
Lilly W
Carson P
Haley P

Here are the counselors:
Sherman L Rebecca B
Todd K

One happy change since the last update is the addition of the LCM and Bethel intern Todd K as one of the counselors. We look forward to the entire youth group doing the Gathering preparations together!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Youth Movie Night

Sunday 10/5 at the Stierholz home

5:30 - pizza dinner
6:45 - outdoor movie

Movie suggestions:
  • Sandlot / School of Rock / Field of Dreams / Hoosiers / Rudy / Breaking Away

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Status of Bethel's Participation in the 2009 Gathering

To learn more about what Bethel Youth and Parents should know about the 2009 Gathering, click here.

This status list was started on Saturday 9/27

Definitely Going

  • Miriam BK - definitely going - received check
  • Scott F - definitely going - received check
  • Daniel G - definitely going - received check
  • Amy L - definitely going - received check
  • David O - definitely going - received check
  • Carson P - definitely going - check pending
  • Hayley P - definitely going - check pending
  • Genevieve S - definitely going - received check
  • Karl W - definitely going - received check
  • Lily W - definitely going - received check
Probably Going

Still Considering

Need to Follow Up with
  • Austin A - need to follow up with
  • Flannery A - need to follow up with
  • Katie M - need to follow up with
  • Daniel M - need to follow up with
  • Katie P - need to follow up with
  • Rebecca P - need to follow up with
Not Going
  • Stephen B - need to follow up with
  • Robert E - not going
  • Maya L - not going
  • Leslie W - not going
Adult Counselors
  • Sherman Lee
  • Pastor Rebecca Boardman (Lutheran Campus Ministry - St. Louis)

Bethel's Participation in the 2009

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Education Hour - 9/21/08

Attendees: Daniel, Karl, Scott, Robert, David, Genevieve, Miriam, Amy
Parents/Leaders: Deb, Michael, Cindy, Albert, Denise, Sherman

  1. Highs and Lows
  2. Other icebreakers
  3. Planning for the year (with parents)
  4. Planning for the Gathering (with parents)
  1. Activities other than Sunday mornings: see here
  2. Gathering updates: see here

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bethel's History with the National Youth Gatherings

Since the formation of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) -- coincidentally the only merger of Lutheran churches; most are schisms -- there has been a national youth gathering every three years. Bethel has sent participants to all of the following

1988 - San Antonio
1991 - Dallas
1994 - Atlanta
1997 - New Orleans
2000 - St. Louis
2003 - San Antonio
2006 - Atlanta

The next Gathering is in July 2009 and will be held in New Orleans.

One hope of this blog is to host archives of photos and other memories of those Gatherings.

About Bethel and the 2009 Youth Gathering

Whether you know a little or a lot about the ELCA's national gatherings, here are some questions and answers about Bethel and the next Gathering.

First, here's the official website: 2009 ELCA National Youth Gathering.

In particular, their FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is very informational.

What's so special about a national youth gathering?
It's best to hear first hand impressions from youth who attended. As we collect those impressions, here are reflections from counselors:
Sherman: Sitting in a stadium with tens of thousands usually focuses on sports. Church service, for the most part, is tens or hundreds of people sharing meaningful rites and rituals that don't always speak to young people. Imagine a stadium filled with with tens of thousands of young Christians sharing not only those rites and rituals but also gospel-filled music of different styles, inspirational speakers who share their stories of Jesus in their lives and how the youth are not just the future of the church, but are very much the present of and to the church. But it's not just about the big events. There are many smaller group activities, service opportunities in the local community, and lots of fun.
Deb: With a group like ours which attends almost as many high schools as we have youth, it's rare to be in an environment and know that some other student has a deep relationship with Jesus. The Gathering provides a sharp contrast to that, and provides once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow spiritually and share that with others. You can make new friends in Christ, or in some cases, reacquaint with old friends who've moved away from St. Louis (such as Rachel Metzler). And down the road, it's a common experience that might be discovered when meeting new folks at college.

When is it?
July 22-26 are the dates for the actual event. Obviously time will be needed for transportation to and from New Orleans. Based on the transportation decision (bus), travel dates will be 7/20 (morning departure with an overnight stay in Memphis) to 7/27 (early morning).

What about lodging?
When we register as a group, we get a block of rooms at Gathering hotels to accommodate our participants.

What about transportation?
At the 9/14 youth group meeting, the consensus decision was to take a bus with St. Louis metro area churches. We'll be able to get to know other St. Louis Lutheran teens better, and contribute to the Gathering's request of having buses available in New Orleans to help with local transportation for service projects.

What about the cost?
First and foremost, Bethel does not want the cost to be an obstacle to participation. If you have financial concerns/difficulties, Bethel will work to overcome them.

The basic formula is:
$295 per attendee for registration, which includes events and lodging
$xxx per attendee for bus transportation
$yyy per attendee for additional night's stay in Memphis (awaiting details from St. Louis metro churches)
$zzz per attendee for food and spending money

The family is expected to pay the $125 non-refundable deposit for each youth's registration, as well as food and spending money.

The youth group has fundraisers planned throughout the year and the goal is to cover the rest of registration, transportation and additional lodging.

Again, if money is an issue, please contact Sherman, Deb and/or Pastor Bill. Bethel will try as hard as possible to remove cost as an issue.

Why do I need to commit so early?
Lots of reasons, but here are the main ones:
  • We need to commit our numbers to the St. Louis area churches so they can contract the charter buses for transportation. Their deadline to us was originally 9/15, but they've graciously extended that to 10/5.
  • Registering early increases the certainty that all are participants are housed in the same hotel.
  • We need as much time as possible to work together on growing spiritually and raising funds in preparation for the trip.
How can I help my youth prepare for the Gathering?
(This section is updated as of Saturday 9/27)
  • With your youth, seriously consider the commitment to going to the Gathering.
  • Attend the special parents meeting on 9/21 at 10:00 in the Bethel Library.
  • Formally commit and pay the deposit ($125) by 10/5. Checks should be may payable to "Bethel Lutheran Church" with the memo section stating "2009 Youth Gathering Deposit".
  • If you cannot attend the 9/21 meeting, please contact Sherman to make other arrangements and/or to ask any questions you might have about the Gathering.
  • Participate (and even lead!) in the fundraiser events.
  • Be supportive in their efforts and preparation throughout the year for the Gathering.

Education Hour - 9/14/08

Attendees: Karl, David, Amy, Miriam, Maya, Scott, Carson, Deb, Sherman

  1. Explanation of a regular Sunday morning hour includes sharing of highs and lows (one each per person), then any business items (usually short), and then the bulk of the hour is devoted to spiritual growth.
  2. This particular Sunday is mostly business, especially the National Youth Gathering next July in New Orleans, "Jesus, Justice, Jazz"
  3. The Gathering is a great opportunity to share spiritual growth with thousands of teenagers, participate in service events, make new friends, have fun, etc.
  4. Registration for the Gathering opens on 9/15. Bethel plans to register soon after the 9/21 meeting with the parents.
  5. One major decision point: bus or plane, with pros or cons for both options. Those in attendance voted for joining the buses chartered with other St. Louis area churches.
  6. Sherman has committed to register the Bethel participants. One adult (21 or over) is required for each five participants. For the first time, the Gathering is permitting youth who are headed into 9th grade.
  7. Here's the disposition of the seven youth who attended the meeting:
  • Yes -- Miriam, Amy, David, Scott
  • Probable -- Karl, Carson
  • Considering -- Maya
  • No -- none
  • Need to check with -- Genevieve, Hayley, Lily, Robert, Daniel, John, KatieP, KatieM, others?
Next steps:
  1. Deb to communicate with St. Louis area churches and provide estimate of our participants
  2. Sherman to research details required for registration
  3. Deb to contact and remind parents about next week's meeting. The first 30 minutes will be with the youth; the second 30 minutes will be a special meeting with the parents of youth about the coming year, major events planned, volunteer opportunities, details about the Gathering.

Letter to Parents - July 2008

What follows is the text of a letter sent by Deb to all parents of Bethel Youth. The email contact information has been updated for this blog post:

July 14, 2008

Dear Bethel Youth and Parents:

Peace to you, and blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to Bethel Youth Group, 2008-09. Sherman Lee, Deb Bohlmann, and Michael Kunz will be the adult leaders for Sunday mornings, and Sherman will also be accompanying the youth to New Orleans for the Gathering.

That’s right, it’s time to think about the ELCA National Youth Gathering in July, 2009! I know, I know, it’s still the middle of 2008. However, the Gathering registration begins on September 15, and we know that this is a big commitment, requiring fundraising, community building, and prayerful reflection leading up to the event. Please look over the enclosed material, visit the website at and contact Sherman or Deb if you have any questions or comments. We will be contacting each of you by phone in August to get your first thoughts in response to this invitation.

Traditionally, youth group meets Sundays during education hour in the youth room/library. It is possible that we will be moving that room to the lower floor of the building, with beautiful, new space. You may be receiving an invitation to participate in those renovations sometime in August, if that plan turns to action quickly enough.

We also have social and service events on the first Sunday of each month, hosted by parents of the youth. We will survey youth about the kinds of social events you are interested in, and we will ask each family group to choose a month to organize and host an event.

Youth, please think about topics and social and service events you would be interested in. Parents, please let us know of any gifts, ideas, or questions you have for the benefit of the group.

May the remainder of your summer be joyful in Jesus!

Yours in Christ,

Deb Bohlmann

Sherman Lee

Welcome to the Bethel Youth Group Blog

Welcome to a new blog, a new year, a new beginning!